Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
Διάβασε περισσότερα

Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
Διάβασε περισσότερα
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In a few words
In a few words
What is the Tomatis ® Method ?
It is the method of acoustic-psycho-phonology, the Pedagogy of Hearing, which aims, by training the hammer and the anvil (the two bones in the middle), to energize the brain cortex.
So is audio education, whose ultimate purpose is to awaken the desire for proper communication, fast and effective learning, peace of mind and serenity.
The Tomatis ® method is based on the relationship between ear and voice, hearing and hearing, acoustic processing and communication, and uses the "Electronic Ear" as a medium. The "Electronic Ear" or otherwise "hearing simulator" functions as an ideal human ear. It is a system that utilizes and activates strategies involved in the perceptual organization and management of the audio environment.
The two bones of the middle ear, the hammer and the anvil, allow for accurate and harmonious interpretation of auditory information in the inner ear and from there to the brain. When these two bones malfunction, the brain activates a protection system, activating mechanisms that prevent hearing.

The role of the "Electronic Ear" is to restore the function of these two acoustic bones by exercising them with filtered sound waves to operate fully, removing obstruction mechanisms and activating full acoustic capacity so that human beings can listening, understanding and communicating.
The Tomomatis® method does not include any type of pharmacotherapy and its effects last over time. It is usually applied in a comfortable, non-clinical setting, where one can relax or work creatively.
The TOMATIS® METHOD is an educational program and should NOT be considered a medical diagnostic tool or medical treatment.
Areas of Application
The ear is the most powerful sensory organ in the human body. Over 80% of the stimulation our brain receives comes from the ear. On the one hand it plays an important role in stimulating the brain, and on the other it has a positive effect on its plasticity. This explains the significant impact that the method has on the various fields of application. The Tomatis® method is a complementary tool for most therapeutic interventions. The method helps to accelerate the effect of a treatment as well as to multiply its effects and thus significantly reduce the duration of a traditional treatment program. It can be used at any age (children, adults or the elderly) and can help to cope with most difficulties and disorders.
The innovative Tomomatis® audio curriculum develops learning skills by helping children have a successful school career. Through Tomomatis® training the child is able to develop the cognitive, emotional and motor functions that determine learning and communication.
Personal Development & Wellness
Personal Development & Wellness
The Tomatis ® method is aimed at anyone who wants to be in good health, both mental and physical, which will be reflected internally and externally.
The Tomomatis ® method not only improves human communication abilities but leads to a more balanced life.
Science shows that stimulating the baby in the womb has a positive effect on both the mother and the child.
The Tomomatis ® method can help systematically stimulate your baby and provide benefits for both you and your baby during and after pregnancy.
How and Where It Happens - Technology
Getting a detailed history, the Psychoacoustic Inquiry Test, and a series of targeted and weighted tests, as appropriate, help us discover your acoustic potential and any malfunction. This will lead to a meaningful psycho-educational assessment.
The number and duration of the sessions depend on the specificity of each case. Both passive and active listening sessions usually last two hours for at least three 13-day programs each.
Programs require three to six weeks, where appropriate, rest periods, so that progress can be long lasting. Among the programs is the Psychoacoustic Investigation Test, which determines the course of the audiovisual education of the person concerned.

For active listening sessions, they include reading aloud, in which your voice is automatically modified and relayed to the parameters of the Tomatis® sound effect. In real time, you hear your voice, which results in the voice being immediately and unconsciously corrected.
Once the hearings have been completed, the outcome assessment allows us to evaluate your progress and evaluate whether additional sessions are recommended. In both phases (passive and active) we use the specially designed Solisten device in our space or in the comfort of your own home (in specific cases).
The Tomatis® Solisten and TalksUp® devices are designed to create a unique sound perception through electronic sound waveforms, creating an acoustic effect that induces contraction and relaxation of the inner ear muscles. This reciprocating motion is made possible by the sharp switching from low (bass frequencies that do not require special effort by the ear) to higher frequencies (sharp frequencies requiring the ear for a special adaptation effort). This activity is a workout for the ear, optimizing the sending of sound sensory signals to the brain, stimulating it and charging it with the necessary energy. The active phase also uses the Talks, which because it controls the voice, enhances one's self-confidence, emphasizes the tone of voice, increases eloquence, speeds the processing of incoming information, and verbal working memory.

At the completion of each session cycle we re-test the progress achieved by the psychoacoustic test and thus determine the course of the next cycle until we achieve the desired result, reaching the set goal from the beginning. The results obtained with the Tomatis® method are long lasting, even permanent.
How much does a Tomatis® program cost?
Individual and group programs operate at a cost adapted to current economic conditions.
Our ear
Our ear, this wonderful organ, so belittled by us all, is one of the most important organs of the human body. It is the power of the brain, the one that charges the brain with the necessary energy.
Ear Functions
The basic functions of the ear in order of importance:
Balance, the ear intervenes in controlling posture and balance. Proper posture implies better incorporation of rhythms and therefore better consistency of messages sent to the brain from the ear vestibule. relaxation.
Rejuvenation or charge of the cortex, the ear can be compared to a dynamo that provides the brain (cortex) with energy and therefore requires stimulation. Sounds are external stimuli whose quality affects the level of energy in the brain. hearing.
Hearing, when the interpretation of auditory information is disturbed, then the hearing is distorted and affects one's mental capacity, emotional and behavioral functions, learning abilities.
Hearing versus hearing
Hearing is the passive reception of sounds. Our ear is constantly flooded with sounds. But thanks to the functions of the brain, we do not realize all the sounds we hear unless we focus on them.
Hearing is the active reception of sounds
- that is, the ability to use the hearing
- on purpose and with care
- in a way that is acceptable on an emotional level
- for the purposes of learning and communication
Hearing is an action whose implementation consists of:
- the ability to select an audio message, inter alia
- the suspension of sounds that are not relevant
- the constant updating of the content and form of the message
It is possible to have excellent hearing but not to be good listeners.

By improving our hearing we can improve many of our daily functions, such as our mental ability, our emotional and behavioral functions, our learning abilities, and our better posture.
Conscious hearing determines the quality of human communication, both verbal and written, as well as the individual's mental and social adaptability.
Biography of A.Tomatis
Alfred Tomatis was an ENT physician who dedicated his life to studying the close interaction between voice, brain and ear. His work has strongly influenced our beliefs about how a person communicates with himself and others. A pioneer in the field of cognitive science, Alfred Tomatis left an indelible mark on both his discoveries and his extraordinary personality. Today we realize the magnitude of the legacy he left in the light of recent research into brain plasticity. In 2016, renowned neurologist Norman Doidge paid tribute to him in his latest book, "How the Brain Cures".
His father was the famed opera singer Humberto Tomatis. He spent his childhood traveling with his father and watching his performances. From a young age he decided to become a doctor and in particular an otolaryngologist specializing in phonetics. The impetus was to try to help professional opera singers with vocal problems and workers who suffered from professional deafness due to the nature of their work in the factories. He observed that changes in their ears were always accompanied by vocal deficits. The result of his long-term research is the development of acoustic-psycho-phonology , a term Alfred Tomatis himself put forward to suggest the acoustic perception and activation system designed to improve the functioning of the ear as a listening, comprehension and communication instrument. . The therapeutic technique that he founded was named after him and is defined as "the pedagogy of hearing".

His therapeutic technique (Tomatis method), which aims at solving hearing and communication problems, was based on the scientific discovery made in 1957 at the French Academy of Sciences and the Paris Academy of Medicine under the heading "Tomato Effect". (hereafter LAWS OF TOMATIS):
1. "The voice only reproduces what the ear is hearing." The ear as a single integrated system is involved in various mechanisms related to brain stimulation, motor skills, attention, emotion and stress, socialization and language (native and foreign).
2. If we change the hearing, then the voice is immediately and unconsciously modified.
3. It is possible to change the voice through continuous acoustic irritation over a period of time (law of residual property, law of conservation).
In order to be more effective in applying the Tomatis method, it was necessary to invent a therapeutic-educational tool, the "electronic ear", which functions as an ideal human ear, and is used in applying the Tomatis method. It is a system that utilizes and activates strategies involved in the perceptual organization and management of the audio environment.
Tomatis has taught for many years in Paris, at the School of Anthropology and at the School of Practitioner Psychologists, as well as at English Universities.
He was a professor, researcher and a great inventor.
If you want to know more about the Tomatis method, there is a wealth of material on this page .