Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
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Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
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Tomomatis ® for Schools
What is and how can the Tomatis ® method help a child perform in school?
The innovative Tomomatis® audio program develops learning skills by helping children to have a successful school career. Through Tomomatis® training the child is able to develop the cognitive, emotional and motor functions that determine learning and communication. As a result the child may:
• Organizes his thinking
• Enhances its memory
• Easier to concentrate
• Manages his time
• Easier digest information
• Effectively copes with any learning difficulties
How does low hearing affect children's learning ability?
Hearing, the ability to tune the hearing, depends on the acoustic attention. When this ability is disturbed or not properly developed, it can affect the child's attention ability when receiving instructions from the teacher, the ability to remember what has been said, or simply the ability to properly understand the messages received.
What improvements are we seeing with the application of the Tomatis ® method ?
By applying the Tomomatis® method we will notice improvements in different areas such as:
more attention, better understanding of instructions, memory strengthening
greater concentration, reduced degradation
facilitating the focus process (selective perception)
improved oral communication and greater interest in it
improvement in the ability to recognize, interpret and analyze the spoken language (Audio processing)
greater reading ability
improving decision-making capacity
improving self-motivation
greater participation in everyday life
more self-esteem and confidence

Are there any specifically designed Tomatis® audio training programs for schools?
Yes, there are audio training programs specifically designed for the education system, interfering simultaneously with all three ear functions. This adjusts the acoustic processing and increases the students' learning potential.
Can the Tomatis® method be applied to all school levels?
Yes, helping children in kindergarten still improve their performance, increase their attention and concentration, and be able to understand them in depth and with greater ease.
How is the Tomatis® method applied?
The Tomomatis® method can be applied throughout the classroom (individually or in groups of 5 to 25 students). It can be integrated into the regular school curriculum or provided as an additional opportunity for students.
The program is specially designed for the School
Finally, the Tomomatis® method works based on the plasticity of neural circuits involved in decoding and analyzing sounds, as well as those involved in mobility, balance and tuning.
Helps children improve their performance, or even develop compensatory strategies, to cope with and manage their learning difficulties
The Baker Academy Results of the tomatoes First Grade Self-contained scan
The analysis of auditory attention and hearing lateralization of pups receiving tomatis therapy
A pilot study on the potential use of tomatis Method to improve l2 reading fluency
Listening Training for Children: Method, Application, and Outcomes
Tomatis ® - Exam Program for Students
The Tomatis ® educational method is aimed at anyone who wants to prepare for exams (school, introductory, foreign language, etc.)
During the exam preparation program, with the help of Solisten and TALKS and Talks up training tools, the trainee can impart the material to be examined more quickly and efficiently.
With this program we can help virtually any student or student prepare for any exam (in-school, nationwide, student, foreign language, etc.)
During at least 2 fortnightly exam preparation programs, we pass after the passive active phase of the method, where with the additional help of the TALKS training tool, the trainee can perfectly impart the material to be tested.
The results are spectacular!

Alternatively or alternatively we can use the Forbrain device.
The device is equipped with a powerful filter designed to amplify the high frequencies that stimulate and energize us, and reduce the low frequencies that discharge us.
This results in the excitation of the cortex and the increase in brain energy. By using bone conduction through the Forbrain device, we enhance the user's voice. In this way we re-educate and stimulate the individual so that we become more focused and focused.
Given that all this is done exclusively with our voice, its implementation is very simple. All you need to do is talk or read aloud for a few minutes a day.
Evaluating the Tomatis Method® in promoting effective self-regulation in university students
Educational Interpreters and the tomatis Method: a mixed methods study at North-West University
tomatis Method Stimulation: Effects on Student Educational Interpreters
Video: Nancy Henao talks about APP (AudioPsychoPhonology) A video where a student explains to us how the AudioPsychoPhonology method helped Tomatis.
Foreign Language Integration
Language, the main means of communication, that is, one's ability to talk to one's fellow human being, is primarily concerned with sounds, hearing, and common sense. Each language has its own "acoustic diaphragm", its own privileged range of sound frequencies, with which man has become accustomed since his infancy.
To be able to speak a foreign language correctly, one must be able to hear it correctly.

The Tomatis® method is aimed at anyone who wants to learn a foreign language.
Each language is characterized by a specific rhythm, which needs to be incorporated in order to be able to speak it with proper pronunciation but also to understand the language. During our childhood, our brains have learned to recognize the vocal structures that they are familiar with in their native language, while at the same time ignoring the elements that are incompatible with the vocal structures of their language. In fact from an early age we learn to decode our mother tongue by adapting it to the sound structures that are familiar to us thanks to the native voice. But because this coding is specific to each language, it can easily become an obstacle to learning a foreign language, as long as the sounds of the foreign language are very different from the native sound patterns.
Through the tomatis method anyone who wishes to learn a foreign language acquires the ability to effectively integrate the rhythm of the language. When one integrates the rhythm of a foreign language, it acquires the ability to easily understand and learn its vocabulary, syntax and grammar.
A study by seven European universities shows that learning a foreign language can be minimized in half by applying the Tomatis ® method.
With the Tomatis ® method, we harmonize the ear of a person so that his or her acoustic diaphragm can be adapted to that of the foreign language he or she wishes to learn.
The number and duration of the sessions depend on the specificity of each case. Both passive and active listening sessions usually last two hours for two to three 13-15 day periods each. Each period requires three to six weeks, where appropriate, for rest and integration to take place, so that progress can be long lasting.
The periods include the Psychoacoustic Investigation Test, which determines the course of the person's program.
Completing a language is done by opening our ear to it, coordinating the entire nervous system with specific rhythms and sounds, creating a neurological connection to them.
Πα Passive listening sessions include listening through special devices (Tomatis ® Solisten) music tracks, filtered in such a way as to produce an acoustic effect, which causes the inner ear muscles to contract and relax.
Η Active listening sessions include reading aloud, during which your voice is automatically modified and retransmitted with the parameters of the Tomatis ® sound effect. In real time, you hear your voice, which results in the voice being immediately and unconsciously corrected.
Learning Disabilities & Language Disorders
How does the Tomatis ® educational method help manage learning difficulties?
The tomatis training method works based on the plasticity of the neural circuits involved in deciphering and analyzing sounds, as well as those involved in mobility, balance and coordination.
It helps children develop compensatory strategies to deal with and even manage their learning difficulties and language disorders.
The tomatis training method may not completely eliminate these problems, but it has amazing results in managing them.
How does the Tomatis ® training method help ADHD?
In addition to the general effect of brain stimulation (ie, cortical loading), the tomatis training method can have a very positive effect on selective attention.
Attention is the ability to choose and maintain the perception of an external event or thought. It corresponds to the general state of alertness and alertness, which allows the nervous system to be receptive to any form of information that comes to mind.
Attention disorders affect children and adults who are unable to adequately concentrate on work that has to be performed for long periods, even if the task requires minimal mental effort or is repetitive or the person is familiar with it (such as revision or copy).

A characteristic feature of attention is the ability to be distributed across different sources of information or tasks to be performed. A lack of this attention-grabbing skill is not only very expensive cognitive, but it is also a source of difficulty even for a child in the school environment.
Where is the Tomatis ® educational method based on and what is the purpose?
The tomatis training method is based on electronic sound wave selection, which makes a perceptible sound difference that is intended to continually surprise the brain so that it remains alert and attentive.
The goal is to help the brain develop automatic mechanisms for detecting changes, which will thereby enhance selective attention.
“Learning disabilities are a generic term referring to a heterogeneous group of disorders that manifest themselves with significant difficulties in acquiring and using listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual and are attributable to dysfunction of the central nervous system and can occur throughout life. Problems in self-control, social perception, and social interaction can all coexist with learning difficulties, but they are not in themselves learning difficulties. Although learning disabilities may occur along with other disadvantages (eg, sensory impairment, mental retardation, severe emotional disorder) or external influences, such as cultural differences, inadequate or inappropriate teaching, they are not the result of inadequate teaching. or effects ”(Hammill, 1990).
According to the National Institute of Health USA, about 15% of the population has some learning disabilities, mainly with symptoms in writing and reading. The same situation occurs in all ages, countries and across all social and economic strata.
Learning difficulties have nothing to do with a child's intelligence, they are not diseases, unlike those who carry them, they can be very productive and charismatic, they just see-hear-understand things differently.

Dyslexia (perhaps the most common form found in reading, writing, spelling), dyslexia (a particular disorder of learning spelling and the rules that govern it), dyslexia (identified with difficulty in writing, problems with writing) graphic nature, spelling, brainstorming, etc.), dyspraxia (when there is kinetic difficulty in limbs and is characterized by difficulty in fine motor skills, balance problems, manual labor, etc.), dysphagia (difficulty of expression, narrative a history, difficulty in the flow of speech, etc.) and dyscalculia (difficulty in learning and understanding of arithmetic and further development of mathematical skills) are some of them.
ADHD is one of the most common developmental disorders of childhood, but it continues in adulthood either individually or alternatively. ADHD is a complex disorder of behavior and exactly for this reason we must be careful and meticulous in everything that concerns the behavior of our child.
The three main types of ADHD:
1. Lack of attention (it is abstract, it loses its stuff, it does not have the patience to listen to instructions, it answers before a question is completed, it is easily distracted by external factors and it takes a long time to come back)
2. Hyperactivity (is overactive in relation to people of his age, makes pointless movements, in conditions that require quiet is almost impossible to remain calm), Impulsivity (cannot wait in line to play or speak, does not obeys the rules, has no sense of danger, and disposition changes very easily and quickly).
3. Combine the two above
The Tomatis ® training method works based on the plasticity of the neural circuits involved in deciphering and analyzing sounds, as well as those involved in mobility, balance and coordination
The Tomatis ® educational method helps children develop compensatory strategies to cope with and manage their learning difficulties and language disorders.
The Tomatis ® training method may not completely eliminate these problems, but it has amazing results in managing them
Neurophysiological studies of hearing suggest that the perception and decoding of sound messages is very qualitatively different depending on whether the right or left ear is more involved in this function. The right is connected to the left hemisphere of the brain, where there is a special neuronal center (Broca center) where speech and language are organized. This kind of connection is direct and accurate. Likewise, the left ear is connected to the right hemisphere, but the language is not processed as in the left. So, the sound stimulus must pass through the mesoblue (which connects the hemispheres of the brain) to the right hemisphere. This is not only a slow connection but also not very reliable.
For this reason Professor Tomatis called the right ear "guide ear" because it can:
1. to decode audio messages more precisely,
2. to control the production of speech more effectively;
3. to better focus the person's attention.
So if the right ear is the leader and dominant in the conception and decoding of the sound stimuli, there is a right acoustic flutter.
If, on the contrary, the left ear is predominant then we have left acoustic pleural effusion, with all the negative effects that this means. Left acupuncture is a protection of the individual, it is essentially an emotional defense. Avoiding the shortest path (right ear - left cerebral hemisphere) but choosing the longest one (left ear - right cerebral hemisphere - medulloblast - left cerebral hemisphere) creates a time delay in and outside of it, and in fact an immediate out and in without of course completely ceasing to hear (distancing myself from the source of the problem).
The longer neurological pathway results in delayed understanding of information with potential consequences: loss of energy, fatigue, memory loss, decreased concentration, distraction, and disorientation.
It is easy to see that all of the above are inherent in learning disorders. For example, 95% of children with learning disabilities have left-sided hearing loss.
The current theory is that the Tomatis Method stimulates the myelination of the auditory pathway (Sacarin 2009) which improves the processing speed of auditory signals (Kandel, 2000).
In addition auditory stimulation results in better integration between the different sensory sytems and in a more harmonious balance between the para sympathetic nerve system (Tomatis 1983)
Come on
Early Effects of the Tomatis Listening Method in Children with Attention Deficit
Summary of the Early Effect of the Tomatis Listening Method in Children ADD Research
Results of tests Tomatis chez enfants souffrant de troubles vocaux
The results of TM stimulation in Chlidren with vocal fold nodules
Results of audio-psycho-linguistic stimulation by means of infants with vocal nodules
The Efficacy of the Tomatis Method for Children with Learning and Communication Disorders
The efficacy of TM for children with learning and communication disorders: a Meta Analysis
The Effect of Sound-Based Intervention on Children With SPD and VMD
The effect of the tomatis stuttering method, University of Potchefstroom