Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
Διάβασε περισσότερα

Μαθήματα Γερμανικών & Ελληνικών
Διάβασε περισσότερα

The Tomatis ® method is aimed at anyone who wants to be in good health, both mental and physical, which will be reflected internally and externally.
According to the World Health Organization's statute, health is "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of illness or disability." So the person who wants to be and look "healthy" must understand the processes that help him to recover in order to live a quality life full of longevity.
Well-being is manifested through a person's small or large habits and choices that determine his or her daily life and the influences he or she receives from his or her environment.
The Tomatis ® method not only improves human communication abilities but leads to a more balanced life. Emotional difficulties prevent one from hearing properly (that is, being able to hear). According to the Tomatis ® method , the high frequencies of a classical track stimulate the brain, whereas the low frequencies of a classical track. rock melody can "drain" its energy.
The treatment uses Mozart melodies (high energy-giving frequencies) and Gregorian hymns (lowers heart rate giving a deep relaxation feeling), which are combined and filtered through the Earring, aiming for greater concentration and more sensation in the target and more sensation. .

With the Tomatis ® method we can
improve our memory, our muscle tone, our relationships with people in our environment
we learn to better manage stress, anxiety, depression, pessimism, and general issues that concern us daily, and for which we consume too much of our energy
creatively fuel our imagination and be open to future challenges
The human brain is stimulated by different sensory messages such as movement and hearing, soothe us, rejuvenate us. Stimulation can be incomplete when protection mechanisms are put into place in a hostile environment, either after a traumatic / emotional shock or after a sudden change in our social status. In this case, the "ear" is the medium that can activate the brain, imagine it as its power, and thus our body. Filtered sounds rich in high harmonic frequencies stimulate a huge neural network, known as "reticular formation".
This is also the beneficial effect of the Tomatis ® method , which has been universally applied for decades.
Complete Extinction Syndrome
(Burn Out Syndrome)
“The appearance and conscious self-control of the listening posture leads to the desired calm so that the heart opens the ear”.
Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis
The Tomatis ® method is aimed at all those who want to fight Burn Out Syndrome.
Excessive stress that is directly linked to daily work and occupation (many hours of work, lack of motivation, constant control - criticism, stressful situations, work that is not our choice, etc.) and emotional problems contacts with family, partner, friends (betrayal, frustration, separation, etc.) can lead to this debilitating syndrome, which affects both emotional and productive levels in humans.

Persistent fatigue-drowsiness, procrastination, body-muscle pains, weakened immune system, low self-esteem at work, isolation tendencies, and moodiness are some of the symptoms that often occur.
Music has a direct impact on the human mind and body and is a means of healing the spirit. 80% of brain energy is delivered by the proper functioning of the ear, which when activated and trained by the "Electronic Ear", will provide the brain with the energy needed for thought and creativity, resulting in immediate physical and mental relaxation. .
Tomatis ® not only increases human potential but leads to a more balanced life. Emotional difficulties prevent one from hearing properly (that is, being able to hear).
According to the Tomatis ® method, the high frequencies of a classical track stimulate the brain while the low frequencies of a e.g. rock melody can "drain" its energy. The treatment uses Mozart melodies (high energy-giving frequencies) and Gregorian hymns (lowers heart rate giving a deep relaxation), which are combined and filtered through the Earring to make the patient more comfortable more optimistic in his day-to-day life.
Tomatis Burnout & Stress Rehabilitation Results and Statistical Analysis for 100 Clients
Improving Body Posture
Through its direct interaction with the vestibular nerve, the Tomatis ® method stimulates the regulation of muscle tone and verticality. This action improves laterality disorders. The vestibular system plays an important role in the coordination and rhythm function, in combination with various other parts of the brain. As a result, the Tomatis ® method can effectively improve and change rhythm and tuning.

Improve Speech
Using filtered musical frequencies the inner ear muscles are trained, so that one can change their speech and voice, increase the resolution of a sound and improve their vocal posture, affecting color, rhythm and volume.
“Jean-Laurent Cochet opened me up to the craft of acting, and Alfred Tomatis opened me up to language. Before Tomatis, I could not complete any of my sentences. It was he who helped give continuity to my thoughts, and it was he who gave me the power to synthesize and understand what I was thinking. ”
(Gérard Depardieu, French actor)

Third Age Programs
Older people with a hearing impairment often experience alienation from the community and its surroundings. It has been found that impaired hearing can force the elderly's brain to devote much of its energy to processing sounds at the expense of memory and thought. The Tomatis ® method helps maintain memory by providing energy and limiting muscle weakness and instability. As a person grows older, his or her sensory organs become damaged and damaged. Hearing loss is significantly reduced (indicative that hearing loss is considered to be below 25 decibels), as the various parts of the audio transmission chain and their processing have reduced operational performance.

The result of limited hearing is alienation from the community and the environment, and possibly a deterioration in mental performance. It has been found that hearing impairment can force the elderly's brain to devote much of its energy to processing sounds at the expense of memory and thought.
The Tomatis ® method supports memory and energy retention, reducing muscle weakness and instability.